


Quote of the day, from Todd at “Goodreads”

History doesn’t repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes with “brotherlucker.”

Think about this once, why don’tcha.

What if there really is a guy named John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?

And he’s terrified to leave his home, because whenever he goes out, people yell at him?


Reblog: It is not my job to make bigots feel comfortable

Courtesy of my friend Melissa.



“In a moment of exhaustion and despair last night, I wrote this on my Facebook page: “If you voted for Trump, unfriend me now. And fuck you.”

I regretted posting that – it was the wrong thing to say – and changed it after a couple friends spoke reason to me. I also had a few Trump-supporting friends express shock and outrage that I would say such a thing.

People who voted for Donald Trump were offended.


“People telling us to calm down don’t understand why we’re worked up.

But the reason we’re worked up is because we woke up in a country that openly endorsed bigotry. Lots of our fellow citizens are soon going to be less free. In the United States. In 2016.”

“We all like to be liked. In the past I’ve had the gentle conversations because I wanted the other person to like me at the end, to respect me. Which meant allowing them to walk away feeling good about it.

But this is a copout.

There is no reason for Trump supporters to care. Unless we make their ignorance uncomfortable.”


Check this out. Through my sources I was able to get a copy of a syllabus from a class at Trump University. These things are guarded like Fort Knox gold, so you can imagine how excited I am to take a look at this.

This is from a class called “International Business Policy 101.” Herewith is the entire class syllabus –

Image from redalertpolitics.com

Image from redalertpolitics.com

Day 1: Kiss Vladimir Putin’s left buttcheek
Day 2: Kiss Vladimir Putin’s right buttcheek
Day 3: Here’s your diploma

Perfect days.

“So I learned two things that night, and the next day:
the perfection of a moment, and the fleeting nature of it.”
– Margaret George

Perfect days are exceedingly rare. So rare that if you’re lucky enough to experience even one, you remember it for the rest of your life.

On this very day, four years ago, I had one. It was perfect. It was more perfect than perfect. Not a single moment could have been improved. So perfect that it left me with a sense of peace and serenity, an assurance that the world is a beautiful and generous place, a confidence that deep and sincere love would prevail, would overcome obstacles.

I have never been so wrong about anything in my life. Within days, not even a full week later: that which I adored, which I prized, was taken away. You don’t get over that; you live with it, every single day.

Here’s where I usually write some wry and clever observation to show the humorous or ironic side of the situation. I got nothin’. Except to quote Bob Marley: “The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.”




Quote of the day

“If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.” – Alexander Hamilton


Rainy days and Mondays

Rainy days are such a damper on the spirit of young people. Right now the rain is pouring down and my kids are standing there, tears in their eyes and their noses pressed up against the living room window.

I guess I should let them in.


Image from plus.google.com

Image from plus.google.com

I always think it’s a great and satisfying thing when someone whose work I admire is friends with someone else whose work I admire.

A while back I wrote about the Dunning-Kruger Effect, the idea that stupid people just about always think they’re experts at everything, while smart people have self-doubts. Not only do stupid people reach erroneous conclusions and make bad choices, but their incompetence robs them of the ability and awareness to recognize it. As economist Paul Krugman writes, the truly incompetent are too incompetent to realize they’re incompetent. And as my dad used to say: there’s no one stupider than someone who knows everything.

Well, it turns out that a friend of researcher David Dunning…. is John Cleese.

“You see: if you’re very, very stupid, how can you possibly realize that you’re very, very stupid? You’d have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are… If you’re absolutely no good at something, at all, then you lack exactly the skills that you need to know that you’re absolutely no good at it.”

And the awesome blog Wickersham’s Conscience had this to say:

“When you combine ignorance, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and pride in that ignorance, together with an unwillingness to develop judgment skills… well,  you’ve got Sarah Palin.




Good advice.

I was reading an article the other day, and it said, “The perfect way for a couple to spice up their love life is to have sex in a car wash.”

It’s also the perfect way to ruin a church fundraiser.